In a stunning revelation, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, a vice-chair of the globalist C40 Cities group, has been exposed for her radical agenda. She’s now attempting to save face with a desperate social media stunt, but the truth is out, and it’s alarming.
At a recent city council meeting on September 6, a group of grassroots citizens confronted Gallego, making it abundantly clear that they vehemently oppose her anti-meat policies. But instead of listening to her constituents, Gallego went home and staged a bizarre breakfast routine, pouring milk into an empty bowl surrounded by a Cheerios box and a knife – because who eats cereal with a knife?
The shocking truth is that Gallego quietly passed the 2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan back on March 4, 2020. Buried within this document is a sinister agenda under Goal 1, Strategy 2, which outlines the creation of an “AgriFood Tech Incubator” to promote “sustainable” food systems, in partnership with Arizona State University (ASU).
What this really means is that Gallego, in cahoots with ASU, plans to banish meat and dairy, replacing them with dubious alternatives like Bill Gates’ fake meat patties.
As the people of Phoenix have learned about Gallego’s globalist agenda, she desperately took to X (formerly Twitter) to pretend she’s just an ordinary person. In reality, she’s a quintessential globalist impostor, serving the interests of her puppet masters rather than her constituents.
“Sustainable Food Systems” is code for the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, a dystopian vision where you own nothing, eat bugs, and are supposed to be “happy.”
A deeper look into ASU’s “Sustainable Food Systems” program, the one Gallego has coerced Phoenix into partnering with, reveals that it’s just another guise for the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals protocol.
Kathleen Merrigan, the leader of ASU’s Online Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems program, has been vocal about pushing the UN’s agenda, advocating for reduced meat consumption and more sustainable practices. If this is Gallego’s plan for Phoenix, it won’t be long before these same protocols become law in Arizona’s largest city.
ASU’s research program involving Merrigan seeks to impose “dietary shifts towards plant-based diets,” often through coercive “interventions.” The COVID-19 pandemic itself has been exploited as one such intervention, altering people’s eating habits forcibly.
Just two weeks after passing the 2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan, Gallego imposed harsh lockdown measures on Phoenix, significantly affecting food supplies and causing skyrocketing food prices. While she claims not to be banning meat outright, her policies will undoubtedly make it more expensive and lead to substantial reductions in meat consumption by 2030.
It’s time for the people of Phoenix to see through Gallego’s globalist agenda and stand up for their right to choose what they eat.