It PASSED – New Law BLOCKS Candidates!

On June 11, voters in North Dakota approved a ballot measure blocking congressional candidates over the age of 81 from seeking office.

That’s right, North Dakotans have spoken loud and clear: it’s time to bring some fresh faces into Congress. With about 60.9 percent of voters approving the measure, and 39.1 percent voting against it, the “Congressional Age Limits” article is now part of the North Dakota Constitution. This new rule bars any candidate running or serving in the U.S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representatives from seeking office if they would turn 81 during their term.

Notably, this measure does not apply to presidential candidates, so the likes of Joe Biden and Donald Trump are not directly affected by this decision.

The measure will not affect North Dakota’s current congressional delegation since all three members are younger than 70 years old. However, it sets a precedent that may resonate beyond the state’s borders.

Supporters of the measure argue that it’s a necessary step to prevent age-related and cognitive issues from hampering the effectiveness of those who hold congressional offices. Jared Hendrix, Chair of the sponsoring committee Retire Congress North Dakota, emphasized the importance of this age limit in ensuring that North Dakotans are “adequately” represented in Washington, D.C. Hendrix has been a key figure in the state’s political reforms, having led the successful 2022 effort to impose term limits on the North Dakota governorship, state Senate, and state House.

However, not everyone is on board. Republican North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer, 63, criticized the measure, stating that voters should not be “arbitrarily” limited when choosing a candidate. Some legal experts have also raised concerns, suggesting that the ballot measure could prompt a reexamination of the 1995 Supreme Court ruling against states imposing congressional term limits.

Let’s be honest: this measure is a reflection of growing concerns about the age and vitality of those in power. As voters face the prospect of an 81-year-old President Joe Biden and a 78-year-old former President Donald Trump competing in the next election, it’s no wonder there’s a push for younger, more dynamic representation.

High-profile cases, like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 82, facing health issues, and the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who served until her death at 90, have only fueled these concerns. It’s not just about age; it’s about the capacity to serve effectively and energetically in one of the most demanding jobs in the country.

So, what’s the takeaway here? North Dakotans have made a bold statement: there should be a cap on how old our lawmakers can be. This decision isn’t just about numbers; it’s about ensuring that our representatives are at their best, both mentally and physically, to handle the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Will other states follow North Dakota’s lead? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: the conversation about age limits in Congress is far from over. For those of us who believe in a government that is as vigorous and forward-thinking as the people it serves, this is a step in the right direction.

Stay tuned, America. The push for age limits might just be the beginning of a broader movement to ensure our government reflects the energy and innovation of its citizens.