Liberty News

Liberty News reports from Liberty News Alerts cover timely, important news that you need to know. These stories are carefully crafted for rapid reading so they’re easy to digest while you go about your busy day.

Along with Freedom Features, Liberty News stories provide a well-rounded, objective look at current events, political news, the economy, and other happenings that impact the everyday American. Keep an eye on Liberty News Alerts for the latest!

China’s Hypersonic Missile Will Be Unstoppable To US Defense Systems

The United States 20-year pursuit of Taliban and Iraqi fighters in the Middle East has allowed China to develop cutting-edge missile technology that surpasses...

Biden SCRAMBLES as China Makes MASSIVE Power Play

China is utilizing Biden's family business dealings as a power play to prevent Joe Biden from taking action to protect the United States interests...

Video: Elon Musk Calls Out BBC for Misinformation

In a recent interview with the BBC, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, called out the interviewer for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and...

Ouch! The Polls Are In, According to CNN

A recent CNN poll has revealed that only 32 percent of American voters believe that President Joe Biden should be reelected, down from 37...

Why are Major Pharmaceutical Companies Pushing Weight-Loss Medications

Losing weight has always been a common goal among many people, whether it's to improve mobility, reduce the risk of health complications, or simply...

“WARNING” Kiss Your Pensions and Social Security Goodbye

Inflation is a looming threat to the pensions and Social Security of Americans, warns Health Ranger Mike Adams. He has cautioned that this phenomenon...

Shooter Kills Three with Multiple others Injured

A tragic incident has occurred at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, TN, where a shooter opened fire and killed three children while injuring...

“Explosive” Claims Expose Joe Biden

In a stunning revelation, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed that President Joe Biden ordered the sabotage of Russia's Nord Stream pipelines in...

Author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Predicts Disaster

Investors worldwide were shaken by the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on Friday, March 10. Many are now seeking safe havens to protect...

“Video” Brutal Attack on Autistic Teen in NYC Subway

During the rush hour on Friday, a subway train in Washington Heights, Manhattan, witnessed a heinous attack on a 15-year-old boy with high-functioning autism....


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