On a late Sunday night in New York City’s Upper East Side, actor Michael Stuhlbarg, aged 55, experienced an unprovoked attack while out jogging. The assailant, a 27-year-old man named Xavier Israel, reportedly struck Stuhlbarg from behind with a rock around 7:45 p.m. The incident led to a brief pursuit, with Stuhlbarg following Israel to the vicinity of the Russian Consulate, where law enforcement officials were able to apprehend the attacker.
The New York Police Department has confirmed that Israel has been charged with the alleged assault and is currently in custody, adding to his record of three prior arrests, which include two assaults and one robbery charge.
NEW: Actor Michael Stuhlbarg gets nailed in the back of his neck with a rock thrown by a homeless man in NYC.
The incident reportedly happened near Central Park.
Stuhlbarg was minding his own business when homeless man Xavier Israel chucked a rock.
Israel had been arrested… pic.twitter.com/UTg0PI4b1n
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 1, 2024
Fortunately, Stuhlbarg, recognized for his work in acclaimed films such as “Dopesick,” “The Shape of Water,” and “Arrival,” did not require medical treatment following the assault.
This episode contributes to a growing list of public figures and citizens who have fallen victim to assaults and other violent acts perpetrated by individuals facing homelessness or criminal charges, particularly in cities with Democratic leadership. Notable incidents include the 2015 attack on “NCIS” actress Pauley Perrette in Hollywood, the 2022 killing of Marvel actor Frank Grillo’s boxing trainer in Los Angeles, and the assault and robbery of British musician Tom Grennan in New York in 2022, which resulted in serious injuries.
Furthermore, in 2022, Paul Pelosi, the husband of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was violently attacked in his home by an individual reported to be homeless, with the assailant later convicted in November.
The frequency of such distressing events underscores the ongoing challenges cities face with homelessness, criminal activity, and mental health issues, raising questions about the effectiveness of current strategies and the need for comprehensive policy solutions.