What’s Behind Trump / Tulsi Gabbard Meeting

Former Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has reportedly engaged in discussions with former President Donald Trump regarding the management of the Department of Defense if he secures reelection in November, as per sources familiar with the matter.

Gabbard, alongside key Trump advisors, has participated in talks regarding the operational strategies for the Defense Department under a potential new Trump administration, as reported by the Washington Post on Wednesday, citing sources close to the deliberations.

Trump has emphasized to his advisors and supporters that his previous term was hindered by personnel decisions that obstructed his policy goals. Conversations with Gabbard are part of a broader dialogue on how Trump intends to reform Pentagon operations if entrusted with a second term by the voters.

Gabbard is among the women under consideration for Trump’s running mate in the 2024 election. The selection of his vice president will undoubtedly capture attention and could influence the electoral college outcome in November.

During a recent appearance on the Fox News program “Fox and Friends,” Gabbard expressed her willingness to engage in discussions about serving as Trump’s next vice president. Direct discussions with Trump and his top advisors indicate that Gabbard may be considered for the vice president or Secretary of Defense roles in the campaign.

Despite her previous affiliation with the Democratic Party, Gabbard’s foreign policy perspectives resonate with Trump’s stance. She has demonstrated a readiness to challenge the entrenched power structures within Washington, including the military-industrial complex and the mainstream media’s propagandists.

Gabbard’s remarks at an event in Arizona in 2022, where she endorsed a Trump-backed Republican nominee for governor, underscored her divergence from the current Democratic Party leadership. She criticized the party’s alignment with what she described as an elitist warmongering clique, driven by misguided woke ideology.