U.S. Faces Risks from Dependence on Chinese Industrial Diamonds

U.S. Faces Risks from Dependence on Chinese Industrial Diamonds

China’s Chokehold on Industrial Diamonds Threatens U.S. National Security

The United States is facing a critical national security threat, and it’s not from missiles or troops – it’s from tiny, man-made diamonds. Former Department of Commerce official Nazak Nikakhtar has sounded the alarm on America’s dangerous over-reliance on China for industrial diamonds, a key component in aerospace and defense manufacturing. With China controlling 95% of the global supply and recently banning exports to the U.S., our nation’s industrial capabilities are hanging by a thread. This isn’t just about sparkly rocks; it’s about our ability to defend ourselves and maintain technological superiority.

A Diamond-Studded Noose Around America’s Neck

For over two decades, the U.S. has willfully ignored its growing dependence on China for critical materials. Now, we’re paying the price. China’s strategic actions and unfair trade practices have left us with our pants down, scrambling to secure essential resources. It’s not just industrial diamonds – we’re talking steel, batteries, solar cells, and even personal protective equipment. Our manufacturing sector is basically on life support, with China holding the plug.

The situation is so dire that we can’t even meet our own domestic demand for industrial diamonds. In 2023, U.S. production covered a measly 16% of what we needed. The rest? You guessed it – we had to go begging to China. And now, with their export ban, we’re left holding the bag. It’s like we’ve been playing economic Russian roulette, and China just pulled the trigger.

China’s Master Plan: “Made in China 2025”

While we’ve been twiddling our thumbs, China has been busy implementing its “Made in China 2025” policy. This isn’t some benign economic strategy; it’s a full-blown plan for global domination in advanced manufacturing. Industrial diamonds are just one piece of this nightmarish puzzle. China has classified diamond manufacturing as a strategic sector, pouring subsidies into the industry like there’s no tomorrow.

“We are running out of time. We really need to race to solve this.” – Nazak Nikakhtar

And what have we done? We’ve sat back and watched as our dependence on Chinese imports of synthetic diamonds has fluctuated between 80% and 95% since 2018. It’s like we’re addicted to Chinese products, and they know it. They’ve got us right where they want us, and they’re not afraid to use that leverage.

The Ticking Time Bomb of Economic Devastation

Nikakhtar isn’t mincing words about the potential fallout. If China continues to restrict exports of critical materials, we’re looking at an economic apocalypse. “Imagine a U.S. economy with zero manufacturing,” she warns. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not imagine that dystopian nightmare. Yet here we are, sleepwalking towards that very reality.

The worst part? We don’t even have a stockpile of these crucial industrial diamonds. It’s like we’re preparing for a famine by emptying our pantries. This isn’t just short-sighted; it’s suicidal. Our aerospace and defense industries – you know, the ones responsible for keeping us safe and technologically superior – are now at the mercy of a hostile foreign power. How’s that for national security?

Too Little, Too Late?

Sure, both the Trump and Biden administrations have tried to slap some tariffs on Chinese imports. They’ve dusted off old laws like Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. But let’s be real – it’s like trying to stop a flood with a Band-Aid. These measures are too little, too late, and China’s already ten steps ahead of us.

“It’s just time to wake up. China has made clear that it is moving in this direction. We’ve got to take them at their word.” – Nazak Nikakhtar

We need to wake up and smell the industrial diamonds. China has made it crystal clear where they’re headed, and it’s not to play nice in the global sandbox. They want dominance, and they’re using our own dependence against us. It’s time to take drastic action to reclaim our supply chains, rebuild our manufacturing base, and tell China we’re not going to be their economic punching bag anymore. The clock is ticking, and our national security – not to mention our way of life – hangs in the balance.

Draft by: Claude




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“We are running out of time. We really need to race to solve this.” … Source

“Imagine a U.S. economy with zero manufacturing.” … Source

“It’s just time to wake up. China has made clear that it is moving in this direction. We’ve got to take them at their word.” … Source






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