Texas AG Challenges Biden on Citizenship Verification for Thousands of Voters

Texas AG Challenges Biden on Citizenship Verification for Thousands of Voters

Biden Administration’s Alleged Failure to Verify 450,000 Texas Voters’ Citizenship Sparks Lawsuit

In a bold move that could have far-reaching implications for voter integrity, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched a federal lawsuit against the Biden-Harris administration. The suit alleges a startling failure to verify the citizenship of 450,000 voters in the Lone Star State. This legal action highlights the ongoing tension between state and federal authorities over election security and immigration policy. Paxton’s lawsuit accuses the administration of stonewalling attempts to confirm voter eligibility, potentially leaving the door open for non-citizens to cast ballots in one of the nation’s most populous states.

The Crux of the Lawsuit

At the heart of this legal battle is a simple yet crucial question: Are all registered voters in Texas actually eligible to cast their ballots? According to Paxton, the Biden administration’s refusal to cooperate with state officials has left this question dangerously unanswered. The lawsuit targets the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), its secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and its director Ur Jaddou as defendants. Paxton argues that these federal entities have failed to comply with federal law by not responding to requests for citizenship status information from both himself and Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson.

The crux of the issue lies in the 450,000 individuals who didn’t use a Texas-issued driver’s license or ID card to register to vote. This oversight means their citizenship was never verified through standard state procedures. It’s a glaring loophole that could potentially allow non-citizens to slip through the cracks and onto voter rolls. And let’s be honest, folks – in a state as crucial as Texas, even a fraction of these 450,000 potential votes could swing an election.

The SAVE Program: A Solution or a Smokescreen?

Now, you’d think the feds would be falling over themselves to help ensure the integrity of our elections, right? Wrong. Instead, they’re pointing to the USCIS SAVE program as the be-all and end-all solution for verifying citizenship. But here’s the kicker – this program requires a unique DHS-issued immigration identifier, which Texas’s voter registration system doesn’t maintain. It’s like telling someone to open a locked door with a key they don’t have. Is this incompetence or intentional obstruction? You be the judge.

“Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program is the most secure and efficient way to reliably verify an individual’s citizenship or immigration status, including for verification regarding voter registration and/or voter list maintenance.”

Paxton isn’t buying it, and frankly, neither should we. He’s calling out the SAVE program for what it is – inadequate for Texas’s needs. It’s a classic case of the federal government offering a one-size-fits-all solution that doesn’t actually fit anyone. And while they’re busy patting themselves on the back for this useless “solution,” the integrity of our elections hangs in the balance.

The Bigger Picture: A Threat to Election Integrity

This isn’t just about Texas, folks. It’s about the fundamental right of American citizens to have their votes count. Paxton’s lawsuit shines a spotlight on the absurdity of federal law that prohibits states from requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. You heard that right – we can’t even ask if someone’s a citizen before handing them a ballot. It’s a loophole big enough to drive a truck through, and it’s leaving our elections wide open to potential fraud.

“Although I have no doubt the vast majority of the voters on the list are citizens who are eligible to vote, I am equally certain that Texans have no way of knowing whether or not any of the voters on the list are noncitizens who are ineligible to vote.”

And let’s not forget, this isn’t happening in a vacuum. The Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies have led to an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants. Is it really that far-fetched to think some of these individuals might end up on our voter rolls? The administration’s reluctance to cooperate with Texas on this issue only fuels suspicions that they’re more interested in padding voter numbers than protecting the sanctity of our democratic process.

A Call to Action

Paxton’s lawsuit is more than just a legal challenge – it’s a wake-up call. It’s time for Americans to demand accountability from their government and insist on ironclad protections for our electoral system. The fact that we even need to sue our own federal government to ensure only citizens are voting in our elections is a damning indictment of how far we’ve strayed from the principles of a secure and fair democracy.

As this legal battle unfolds, one thing is clear: the fight for election integrity is far from over. It’s up to us, the American people, to stand behind efforts like Paxton’s and demand that our leaders prioritize the sanctity of our votes over political expediency. After all, if we can’t trust the integrity of our elections, what’s left of our democracy?