According to a new report by Mediaite, Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch had a sudden change of heart after Trump was removed from office in 2020. He realized it was time for the GOP to win Senate races in “any way we can”, especially in swing states like Georgia.
An email obtained by investigative journalists reveals Murdoch sent this message to his CEO detailing his plans.
Donald Trump was removed from power after the 2020 election after “big tech” collusion. Afterward, Fox News Chairman and owner Rupert Murdoch emailed CEO Suzanne Scott. He was horrified.
In this newly released email from November 2020, Murdoch said that the Republican Party must win the United States Senate at all costs: “We should concentrate on Georgia, helping any way we can. We don’t want to antagonize Trump further… Everything at stake here.”
These private email communications were only made public recently. Lawyers working for Dominion Voting Systems used these private emails as evidence in their lawsuit against Fox News for alleged defamation.
Fox News stars collectively questioned if Dominion may have tampered with election ballots in the 2020 election, and now Dominion wants Fox News to pay up.
These emails, while not proving defamation, indeed show that Fox News may not be as liberal as we think. Rupert Murdoch has definitely had a wake-up call.
But whether or not Rupert Murdoch can actually help Republicans today still remains to be seen.