The Emerging Global Currency Landscape. In recent news, a groundbreaking revelation has surfaced regarding the globalists preparations for launching a new one-world digital currency, named Unicoin. However, the path to its success remains uncertain due to the fierce competition posed by Russia and China, who are also fighting for global economic dominance with their respective plans. As the world teeters on the brink of a new era, whether the United States and NATO or China and Russia will shape the future remains an open question. Nevertheless, what seems increasingly evident is that the days of the U.S. fiat dollar as the world’s reserve currency are numbered.
The War in Ukraine: Catalyst for Global Rebellion. The conflict in Ukraine has triggered a worldwide uprising against the U.S.-led global order, which has relied on the petrodollar since the aftermath of World War II. Unfortunately, the U.S. government and its media affiliates have diligently concealed this global rebellion from the American and European public. Despite assurances that everything is under control and Ukraine is prevailing, the reality may be far from what is portrayed.
The Decline of the U.S. Dollar: Unveiling the Illusion. Simultaneously, the U.S. dollar is gradually being exposed as a deceptive currency, destined for an abrupt and primitive demise as an increasing number of nations recognize its fraudulent nature. The dollar, a mere facade, lacks any tangible backing and relies heavily on the perception of U.S. military. While the illusion of a robust U.S. military may have played a significant role in supporting the dollar since its detachment from the gold standard, the truth is that its influence has been exaggerated. Presently, the United States outspends the combined military budgets of the next 10 countries, largely directing those funds towards expensive overseas bases and covert operations orchestrated by the CIA. With approximately 750 bases spanning over 80 nations, the U.S. military presence appears formidable. Furthermore, this perceived geopolitical leadership, coupled with abundant natural resources, has been instrumental in propping up the dollar.
The Erosion of U.S. Advantages: Debt and Leadership. However, herein lies the predicament—the aforementioned advantages of the United States are primarily based on perception rather than concrete reality. These pillars of American power are swiftly deteriorating due to exorbitant levels of debt, currently exceeding $32 trillion, and inadequate leadership. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become subjects of mockery even on Saudi Arabian TV, a stark departure from the respect previously commanded by American leaders. The appointment of individuals such as Samuel Brinton and Rachel Levy to significant government positions under Biden’s administration further diminishes his credibility. Samuel Brinton, who was entrusted with the nuclear waste division of the U.S. Department of Energy, was exposed for engaging in the theft of women’s underwear at airports, leading to questions about the competence of those in power.
Environmental Concerns and Energy Policies. In terms of natural resources, their value becomes questionable when the government continually restricts exploration, processing, and utilization of fossil fuels while subsidizing unreliable renewable energy sources like solar and wind turbines, predominantly manufactured in China. Moreover, the disposal of highly toxic components from expired solar panels poses a significant environmental challenge once their approximate 15-year lifespan expires. Similarly, wind turbines have gained notoriety for their impact on bird populations. Paradoxically, the Biden administration’s push for green energy initiatives, spearheaded by climate czar John Kerry, appears to be yet another ploy to exert greater control over human behavior rather than a genuine concern for the environment.