Stewart Petersen, famed for his role in “Where the Red Fern Grows,” chose to leave the glitz of Hollywood behind for a more grounded life in Wyoming. Growing up in Wyoming, Petersen stumbled into acting through a series of coincidences, beginning when his uncle, Lyam Dayton, encouraged him to audition for a part. Reluctant at first, Petersen recalled, “I was hesitant, but he coaxed me, and I didn’t think there was no harm, no foul done.”
From the age of 13, Petersen appeared in several films, including “Seven Alone,” “Pony Express Rider,” “Rivals,” and “Against A Crooked Sky.” Despite his success, the allure of Hollywood never fully captured his heart. In an interview, he shared his discomfort with the celebrity lifestyle, saying, “I just never liked the way people seemed to be so awestruck with people in the film industry. When the crowds would come around and be pushing for autographs it was just something that I absolutely didn’t like. It had no appeal.”
Feeling misplaced in an unchosen career, Petersen expressed, “I thought, you know, I’m not really interested in having the part, but I want to win. That’s kind of how I saw it, that if I won the part, I might achieve something.”
Ultimately, he returned to his roots, leaving behind the screen for the tranquility of his family’s ranch in Wyoming. Now content as a husband, father, building contractor, and outfitter, Petersen reflects on his past with no regrets about his decision to depart from the Hollywood scene.