Biden’s judicial nominees hit a roadblock as Senate Republicans force a deal to exclude four appellate court picks.
In a surprising turn of events, Senate Democrats have struck a deal with Republicans to advance some of President Biden’s judicial nominees while leaving others behind. This agreement comes as a response to GOP obstruction tactics and highlights the ongoing battle over the composition of the federal judiciary. The deal will allow for the confirmation of several district court judges but at the cost of abandoning four contentious appellate court nominations, including one that would have marked a historic first for Muslim Americans in the federal judiciary.
The Great Judicial Nominee Compromise
Well, folks, it looks like the Senate has decided to play “Let’s Make a Deal” with our nation’s judiciary. Apparently, confirming judges who actually respect the Constitution is too much to ask these days. Instead, we’re treated to a political horse-trading spectacle that would make a used car salesman blush. The Democrats, in their infinite wisdom, have agreed to ditch four of Biden’s appellate court nominees in exchange for expediting the confirmation of other judicial picks. It’s like watching a high-stakes game of musical chairs, except the prize is a lifetime appointment to interpret our laws.
Let’s break this down, shall we? Biden’s been on a mission to stuff the courts faster than a Thanksgiving turkey. He’s already confirmed 221 judges, nipping at the heels of Trump’s first-term total of 234. But apparently, that’s not enough for the leftist agenda. They want more, more, more! And why? Because God forbid we have judges who actually believe in little things like the Second Amendment or the concept that illegal immigration is, you know, illegal.
Senators tee up post-Thanksgiving votes on more of Biden’s judicial nomineeshttps://t.co/N7IDzj7ZM6 pic.twitter.com/3uvGRBv3BP
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) November 22, 2024
The Four Horsemen of the Appellate Apocalypse
Now, let’s talk about these four circuit judge nominations that got the axe. We’ve got Adeel Abdullah Mangi, who would’ve been the first Muslim American federal appellate court judge. Sounds great for the diversity checklist, right? But here’s a wild idea: how about we focus on a judge’s qualifications and their commitment to upholding the Constitution instead of their religion or skin color? Crazy concept, I know.
“Reports that there is a deal that would leave behind critical circuit court nominees are unacceptable. All of these nominees must be confirmed expeditiously before the end of the 118th Congress.” – Lena Zwarensteyn
Oh, cry me a river, Lena. Heaven forbid we take a moment to actually vet these lifetime appointments. And let’s not forget the other three nominees – Karla M. Campbell, Julia M. Lipez, and Ryan Young Park. I’m sure they’re all paragons of judicial virtue and not at all selected for their ability to legislate from the bench. But hey, who needs the separation of powers anyway?
The Senate’s Thanksgiving Turkey
So, what’s the grand plan? The Senate’s going to come back from their Thanksgiving break, presumably stuffed with turkey and ready to rubber-stamp some judges. They’ve got a time agreement to consider seven district court judges after the holiday and six more in December. It’s like a judicial advent calendar, except instead of chocolate, we get activist judges!
“We’ll take that responsibility very seriously between now and the end of the year.” – Chuck Schumer
Oh, Chuck, you’re a real comedian. Taking responsibility seriously? That’ll be the day. The only thing Schumer and his cronies are taking seriously is their mission to transform our courts into a leftist playground. And let’s not forget, this whole charade is happening because Republicans had the audacity to use procedural votes and late-night sessions to delay these confirmations. The nerve of them, actually trying to slow down this judicial freight train!
The Trump Factor
Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. President-elect Donald Trump has called on Republicans to resist Democrats’ efforts to appoint liberal judges. And boy, does that have the left in a tizzy. They’re scrambling like it’s the last call at the judicial bar, desperate to fill every vacancy before Trump potentially returns to office.
“No more Judges confirmed before Inauguration Day!” – Mr. Trump
You know, for once, I agree with The Donald. It’s time to put the brakes on this runaway judicial train. The idea that we’re rushing to confirm judges just because the political winds might change is absurd. Whatever happened to carefully considering each nominee based on their merits, their understanding of the Constitution, and their ability to interpret the law as written?
In the end, this whole situation is a perfect example of what’s wrong with Washington. It’s all about power plays and political maneuvering, with the actual qualifications of judges taking a back seat. So buckle up, folks. It looks like we’re in for a wild ride as the Senate turns into Santa’s workshop, churning out judges faster than you can say “activist judiciary.” Just remember, these aren’t toys they’re handing out – they’re lifetime appointments that will shape our legal landscape for generations to come. God help us all.